Floods over, not as bad as initially feared. Flooding still happened but we dodged a bullet with this one. Now that I have time to be on a computer again, I decided to change the focus of this blog. Not only will I cover DC Universe some more I also plan to cover more games that I am currently playing, along with the random rant.
Which brings me to EA. This company simply needs to die, why you ask? Because they ruin everything they touch by rushing development , forcing content they want and limiting creativity. Case in point, Dragon Age 2.
I loved Dragon Age Origins, so much that I have a copy for the X360 and PC along with a unopened collectors edition for PC. Yeah i know, 3 copies I'm freakin cool.
I know Dragon Age 2 was facing a HUGE change, not only graphically but game play and story wise. A completely new art style and faster paced, almost hack and slash combat meant for the console. The combat actually is almost a complete ripoff of WoW . Your character auto attacks and you can use random skills.
I can stand the new art style and NPC models that add a somewhat darker feel to the game. I can even stand the new combat, it's nothing special but it is functional. The DA:O tactical pause and play seems shallow in DA2, you can tell this game was built for fast paced console action and they left the old combat system to die.
The most atrocious crime committed in DA2 was how obviously rushed this game was by EA. The story fails in comparison to DA:O. Literally it seems like the there was 6 hours of main plot and 30 hours of side quests in the same 4 recolored dungeons over and over again. It is clear that EA forced Bioware to rush DA2. EA took advantage of the name Dragon Age and rushed DA2 just for quick cash. Now that I see what EA has done to one of my all time favorite games, I fear what they will do to Mass Effect and Star Wars : The Old Republic in the name of money.
The game looks good, but that's about it.
But at least they still have the old Bioware stand by, the sex scenes.