Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to the Society

 Lex Luthor and Superman were battling inside the Daily Planet newspaper building when Lex Luthors suit malfunctioned and teleported both to the Justice League of America tower orbiting in space. With the Lex Luthors suit malfunctioning, Superman was easily able to imprison him. Warband and his fellow villains were sent in to rescue their leader and mentor.

Justice League of America




^Show her your oh-face!^

After a long and fierce fight, Superman lay defeated at the hands of Warband. Steel, Zatanna and the other super heroes couldn't save him this time. Lex Luthor was free, superman defeated and the Justice League tower is in ruin, what more could a villain ask for? Impressed by his actions and Lex Luthors gratitude, Warband was invited by Lex and the Calculator to join The Society.

Welcome to the Society.


  1. Sweet, congrats again. When you team up, is it with another player or an NPC? I guess what I'm getting at is, can you solo the game or is there instances where it would be best to find someone else to team up with....

  2. Leveling up you can solo almost everything even instances, but there are some world bosses that require a small group.

    The level 30 instances do have NPCs that will help you through but of course another player is better. As for endgame PVE, you start with Duo which is 2 man hard mode instances. Once you complete your tier 1 gear from Duo you can move on to 4,6,8 and 12 man raids. All with corresponding gear. But since the game is barely 2 weeks old most are still leveling or doing Duo. I tried a 4 man instance and we got destroyed. As Illidan would say WE ARE NOT PREPARED, it was incredibly hard.

  3. Oh wow, that's an great concept!
